My Journey Into Insanity

February 3, 2010

Welcome to my Insanity Workout Blog. My name is Valerie. The purpose of this blog is to keep yo up to date on my journey through Shaun T’s Insanity Workout.

My Athletic Past
I’m overweight. But I’ve been overweight my entire life. Right now I’m at the highest weight I’ve been in the last 5 years. I’m not a stranger to working out. As of last year, I’ve completed 5 marathons and several other half marathons, 10K and 8K races. I’ve been into running for the past 5 years, but lately my passion for running has been fading. Like most people I got into running in the hopes of losing weight. In the beginning I lost 30 lbs w/o even trying. I managed to maintain my weight during my running years. But I’ve been at a plateau for the past two years. I’m not getting any faster and I’m not losing any more weight. In fact, over that last year I’ve been slowly gaining weight, even though my routine has not changed much. So, I need a new routine.

Why Insanity
Because it looks hard. I’ve tied workout DVDs in the past, but after a few weeks I’ll get bored with the same ol’ routine. Insanity is like the next step up from P90X. But P90X has been around forever and it requires special equipment in addition to the program. If I survive Insanity then I may try the P90X to focus on strength training. But for now I want to improve my cardio.

I’m also curious how I’ll do over the next 60 days. I’ve been watching YouTube videos of people doing the Insanity workout and they all look pretty fit compared to me. Most state that they are P90X veterans and decided to switch to Insanity for a “challenge”.

So tonight when I get home I’m going to take the Insanity fitness test that everyone has been talking about. I’ll see how I match up to the P90X veterans. I’ll also take my measurements and some before pictures so we can see how I’m progressing through this journey.